
Pathways in UX: Crafting your career

When you are taking your first steps (and not so first) in the UX world, there comes a time when you ask yourself: Do I want to project myself long-term as a UX Designer? Where do I see myself in a few years? And let me tell you that it is the healthiest thing you can do. When in doubt, my recommendation will always be to "question everything". That way, even if you end up choosing to stay in the same place you are, you will know that you decided it with conviction and confidence.

I have the remedy for this juncture. It is about two factors: information and self-knowledge. As the word says, self-knowledge is something that only you can do for yourself, but I can help you with the information. When we have all the cards on the table, and all the possible options in one place, we can make better decisions. Your task is to think about what of all this resonates with you. Shall we start?